Green silicon carbide


Product Name: Green Silicon Carbide
Performance: Green silicon carbide with good self-sharpening, wear-resistant strength, hardness and high.
Main Use: Green silicon carbide is a high quality heat-resistant materials, refractories and abrasives.

Green siliconcarbide SiC containing about above 97%, self-sharpening, and are mostly usedfor grinding tungsten carbide, titanium and glass, Yu Heng in cylinder and finegrinding of high-speed steel cutting tools. Physical properties of greensilicon carbide and silicon carbide are similar, but the performance isslightly larger than the black for crisp, also has good thermal conductivityand semiconductor characteristics. In addition, cubic SIC, which is in aspecial process of producing yellow-green crystals, used to make Abrasives forthe Superfinishing of bearings, can make the surface smooth, scratch-free. Ourbusiness green silicon carbide production strictly in accordance withinternational technical standards, product quality has reached the internationaladvanced level.